Marilyn Mystery Articles
NY Daily News
Daily Mail
Everlasting Star
The Marilyn Mystery
In about 1981 I frequented garage sales. AT one such sale somewhere in Parsippany, NJ, I came upon a couple envelopes of 2.25 x 2.25 photo negatives. I had no idea what they were, they were definitely old. I paid a couple dollars, at most, for them.
Once I got them home, I was able to get a better look at them. At that point I discovered one set was of Marilyn Monroe and dated October 10 -50 on a wax paper slip.
The other set turned out to be Jayne Mansfield and looked to be about the same period.
It was pre-Internet, I had no real way to investigate them, so I put them in a file cabinet and forgot about them.
One night in 2010, I was watching Pawn Stars and a guy brought in come old negatives. Rick brought in the appraiser, he gave a price and Rick bought them. I have no idea what the pix were, but they went for a good amount.
At that point, I remembered the Marilyn and Jayne negs. I actually tracked down the appraiser the had been on the show. When I got him on the phone; I told him what I had. He informed me that he didn't do “Hollywood”, and that I should contact someone that does.
The Pawn Stars, at that time, were doing a tour. They were going to be in The Poconos, which is only a couple hours from me. I got tickets and went to see if I could sell them to them.
The way these “Tours” worked was; there are tickets for sellers a,d for those that just want to watch. When you're a seller, you first go through a gauntlet of “schleps” that determine in what you have would be of interest to the big guys. If so; they send you to the next table for Rick, Chumly or the Old Man to make an offer.
These idiots, while they're sending a lady with a Barbie from 1987 through, determined that these 1950 negatives of Marilyn Monroe and Jayne Mansfield were not worth their time. Wow! Really?
I was frequently in California, so I looked up an art dealer in Beverly Hills named David Streets, and took them to him for a look. He immediately called a friend, Allan Duke, at CNN, who thought we had a story.
A couple days later, I met Duke at Streets studio for an interview. A couple weeks later the story ran on CNN and my phone started ringing off the hook.
This became The Marilyn Mystery, just in time for her 80th birthday. I didn't have anything more to say about it, but I was curious to find out who shot them, for what and whose yard were they shot in?
Even after all these years; all I know is that a photographer named Bob Beerman shot them. He was a Hollywood photographer at that time, but not a huge name. Beyond that: I know nothing.
Soon after, I was at a collectors show And came across a table with a girl from Heritage Hollywood Auctions. We talked about what I had. She said they'd be interested, so I signed up with them.
The Marilyn's ended up going for $10k, so I did pretty well on a $2 investment. Jayne Mansfield is not Marilyn Monroe. Jayne has a very “cult-like” following. I ended up selling her's on ebay for substantially less.
It was an adventure.
News Reports
Vintage EverydayWayne man discovers rare photos of Marilyn Monroe in studio
Marilyn Monroe photos found at garage sale still a mystery
Marilyn Monroe mystery: New Jersey man seeks identity of photographer behind rare photos
David W. Streets . . . He’s Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
Anton Fury Collection
Wayne Man Rediscovers Rare Marilyn Monroe Photos He Bought At Garage Sale
Marilyn Monroe Rare Photos Revealed By Anton Fury Of New Jersey (Video)
Unseen Marilyn Monroe pictures in Anton Fury collection
New Jersey man rediscovers rare Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield photos he purchased